Tuesday, February 21, 2012

random stuff around here

Dave's brother and sister in law came to visit last month. We don't see them nearly enough. It's hard to stay close when the distance is from Arizona to Wisconsin. This is a picture of Dave with his brother Gordon and his nephew Adam. Handsome men.We tried to enjoy the wonderful centennial celebration of the birth of our great state of Arizona. But my niece burst my bubble with this comment: "I hate to trump this, but Columbus turned TWO hundred this week. And Ohio turned 100 like 109 years ago."

I can't seem to get our business taxes and our income taxes done. I'm getting pressure from the girls so they can get their FAFSA forms filled out. They are almost done, but every single day, something more urgent comes up.

I went out to Mesa tonight to see my nephew, Shaw, cross the bridge from Cub Scout to Boy Scout. It was quite a program - dinner, a time machine, fire, bows and arrows (some on fire), Native Americans in full ceremonial headdress, a bear and all kinds of prizes and belt loops and patches and pins and awards. Shaw hit the mother lode of awards.

I'm getting excited about girls camp this summer. But I'm not sure I'm smart enough to get it planned and organized. Obviously I'm not doing it alone and that is the saving grace. But still, it is quite possible that it may be the most unorganized camp in the history of our stake, but I guarantee it will still be the most fun camp in the history of our stake!

Everyone around here wants to eat healthier, but no one will eat the twigs.

Today, I ran across a piece of paper from a couple months ago. We had been looking for some good recipes for the holidays. Dave loves his Mom's old Country Cookbooks and we have several, but we were laughing at some of the recipe options from a classic 1950's cookbook. We jotted down these delicious, country comfort foods:
Liver Puffs, Corned Beef, Lima Sausage Casserole, Spicy Buttered Beets, Steamed Baked Goose, Parsnip Patties, Tomato Aspic and Turnip Stew.


Suzanne Barker said...

I have heard Aspics are pretty good....

bandanamom2 said...

Oh gosh. After reading about Aspics in Julia and Julia I'll take a pass. Ew.

Lauri said...

You being in charge of camp would make me want to go.