Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in eleven pictures

1. We paid off our Mortgage.
2. Tractor restoration - lots of pieces and parts and sanding and painting and reassembling.
3. Dave turned 50!
4. A trip to New York and Boston.
5. New roof for the house and the hut.
6. I turned 50!
7. Melanie bought her first car.
8. Roxanne has a new yard at her house, although this is a picture of the middle of the process, after the cactus and rock were out, but before the sidewalk and grass were in.
9. Rachel got her bachelors degree from ASU!
10. Brady finished his mission in Iowa.
11. Through it all, we all still kind of like each other.


Lauri said...

Another great year! Bring on 2012

Bandanamom said...

That's a pretty good year lady.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an incredible year for you all! Many Congratulations! And you're all still young enough to enjoy all!:0! It only gets better right?!

Suzanne Barker said...

You deserve such a good year. I seem to remember a recent one that wasn't quite so pleasant.