Sunday, April 27, 2008


I'm sitting here at 10:25 pm, contemplating why I'm not already in bed and Rachel walks past, puts on her shoes, finds a DVD and heads out the door. At 10:25 pm. To go across town and watch a movie. In the middle of the night. And she has classes in the morning.
Did we ever do that? I have such vague memories of that life - social events at all hours of the day and night. Oh to be 21 again!
(But actually, I'm glad I'm about ready to put on my jammies and climb into a warm comfortable bed. )


Lauri said...

Isn't that crazy? If I don't have anywhere to go by 7:00, I have my pj's on and I'm usually in bed or close to it by 10:00. Pathetic, huh?

However, when I was a young adult, I would stay up until 1-2 a.m. and then get up to be at work by 8 and I never thought anything of it. Don't you remember, the dances didn't even begin until 9:00. The good old days...

Bandanamom said...

I totally did that. It was hard too because I lived out of the house at age 18 and moved back in at 19 for a year before moving out permanently at 20(technically I was out at 17 - just after graduation). I would be out until 2, 3 sometimes later and my parents would throw an absolute fit about it. But at that age, a lot of the time, things START at midnight.

I'm still a huge night owl. Last night at midnight I told Kirk "we really HAVE to go to bed". I am normally up at 5:30 am. I don't know how I survive on 5 hours sleep but I do.

Unknown said...

Its not that bad. get enough sleep during the week and catch up on the weekend. It's totally do-able. :)

Meghan and Randy said...

I second what Rachel says! Absolutely it is do-able. Rachel works incredibly hard with piano, work itself, and miscellanous (spelling...too lazy to check it) stuff so she deserves a night out on the town! AND....I don't like hearing this talk as if you other ladies are old. You're living young! Go jump out of a plane or something....

Anonymous said...

I guess I was always a "stick in the mud" unless I worked the pm shift, then life began after 11pm, but maybe only for an hour than I would CRASH! Now the pj's come on as soon as I think I can get away with it, it does have something to do with being up at 5am every morning!

Jen Devey said...

Haha, I think i got that all out of me during highschool. Now i am in bed by like 9.

hey i finaly updated my blog!
just for you!