Tuesday, June 23, 2009

our family vacation

We just pooled our vacation photos from all our cameras onto one computer file and we have almost 1000 photos from a 9 day trip. So grab yourself a soda, sit back and relax and I will describe each and every one of them to you.
Well actually, I will spare you most of them. As far a quantity goes, the "scenery" category wins with oh so many photos, though they are truly gorgeous.
The next highest quantity of pictures falls into the "stupid picture of myself" category. I found truly WAY too many of these on our memory cards. I don't know why.

Brady was so exhausted, he was asleep and unconscious most of the way there. The girls hadn't slept much the night before either, but it didn't seem to affect them.

The plane ride:

Scenery on arrival:

The airport shuttle:

I think we documented every move we made. I want to journal our trip for our own memories and enjoyment so there will be an extraordinarily high number of vacation photos coming in the next few days. Consider yourself fore-warned.


everyday katie said...

This is fantastic! I want to travel as much as you guys. You KNOW how to vacation. If you ever happen to have 5 extra tickets on hand, we're there.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! What an opportunity! I didn't know you all were going! Teach me how to arrange that trip!

Suzanne Barker said...

Love the photos!!! Hawaii is right up there on my list. Sometime soon I'm going!