Well, we are back to alarm clocks, back to tight schedules. I just wanted to write an update for my own journaling. I should title this "What I did during Winter Break". I don't know why I think I was really ON a break. I realize I only teach a class one hour a day, but when the lesson planning is also added, it seems like a whole heck of a lot of work. So when school is out, I feel like I'm on vacation, even though everything else in my life is still full speed ahead. These are in no particular order:
I went on a very nice hike with
Lauri - 3.5 miles up and over and back around Shaw Butte. It was a pleasant day and a nice hike and a good time to catch up on everything with my sister. I didn't take my camera with me that day, but we saw something funny. Melanie and I hiked up there a few days later to take some pictures.

I went on a hike with Suzanne, Penny and Melanie - 11 miles through Phoenix Mountain Preserves. Suzanne claims I tricked her into it by telling her it was 7 miles. The trail guide says it is 10.7 miles. That's what I told her, but her selective hearing just heard the number 7. I know in hiking terms 7 miles does sound better than 10 miles, but a long walk either way. If anyone is familiar with the Phoenix valley, we started at Tatum and ended at 7th Avenue on mountain trails.

Dave and I celebrated New Year's Eve at 6:30 in the evening. We went to dinner with friends, noise makers at 8:00, we were home by 8:30, then spent the rest of the evening hauling around a 14 year old to all her activities.

My "
primary" friend ,
Suzanne celebrated her 50th birthday with a lovely dinner party. It was a great evening and we got to visit with many old friends (old, as in "I haven't seen you for a long time" . . . not old, as in "'wow, you're over 50!"). Happy Birthday, Suzanne!

I also hiked with the girl scouts. We drove out to the White Tank Mountains. None of us had been there before, but we were armed with maps and trail guides. We hiked to the waterfall, which you have to remember . . . in the desert, waterfalls don't always have actual water. However, it was just trickling and enough water had pooled to have a fun hour climbing around on the rocks. We were going to spend the afternoon actually doing a harder hike, but we decided not to at the last minute, we explored the campground and the picnic areas and familiarized ourselves with the area for next time. (p.s. It's girl scout cookie time. Be expecting a call from Melanie)

We helped
my brother's family provide Christmas (gifts, stockings and food) for a family in need. Then the next morning, we went caroling at a rehab facility in Mesa, visiting with patients and handing out gift bags.

Our ward choir put on a whole Cantata (definition- a REALLY long and hard song) - "Christmas in Zarahemla". I was impressed at that feat done by our little choir. I was even more impressed with Heidi for playing the piano. (I was the pianist at first when this music was decided on and handed to me to start learning. I am SOOOOO glad it was passed on to you in the nick of time, Heidi. You are my new hero!)
I got our Christmas cards out. I like sending out cards, and I LOVE getting cards and newsletters. Every year I think I am going to get them out early. I am impressed by those I receive the first few days of December. But alas, if ours get done at all, they are usually postmarked on the 23rd. Next year, I'll get them out early!
I painted pantry doors, part of our bathroom and the walls of the stairway.It wasn't an exciting project, but I had a goal to do a day of painting, a day of tax records, a day of sewing and mending, and a long day of hiking during Christmas break. Sadly, the mending is still waiting to get done.
I read a book - "The Devil's Highway" by Luis Alberto Urrea. It's a fascinating and heartbreaking non-fiction book about events happening right here in our back yard -- border crossings. I'm usually cutting it close getting a book read by our book club meeting. I actually got this one read 2 weeks early.
That's all. I can't wait for the next 3-day weekend.
I think I would have enjoyed the Cantata much more if you had been the pianist.
Lot's of hiking...I'm impressed. I'm going to have to try a few of those out before it gets too hot or I get too big.
Seriously!? You did all that in two weeks? I can only say that I put a jigsaw puzzle together, slept in each day, ummm I don't think I did much of anything else. I'm at least glad we went on a hike one day.
You sure packed a lot in a little bit of time, "My hat's off to you"!
That sounds like a good book. I also am in love with that Santa cactus - too funny.
You are a very productive person Cynthia!
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