Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I was reading an storm-related article today entitled:

7 No-cook Recipes to Get You Through a Storm

While no one is exactly sure what to expect, we're ready with extra water, food, batteries, and flashlights. And, if the power really does go out, we'll be prepared with these 7 tasty ideas for simple no-cook meals that happen to be very good in emergencies, and also on plain old busy nights.
Make peanut butter fruit stack sandwich 
2 slices sandwich bread 
1 banana, thinly sliced long ways 
1 small green apple, sliced paper-thin 
3 Tbsp chunky peanut butter 
1 tsp maple syrup 
a few dashes of cinnamon
Directions: First, toast the bread. Slice the fruit paper thin - if you are not eating this sandwich right away you can toss the fruit in a splash of lemon juice to keep them from browning. Slather peanut butter on both slices of bread and layer fruit. Add a drizzle of maple and dashes of cinnamon. Close sandwich and slice!

Now I'm not really an Emergency Preparedness Specialist, but if you are writing an article about preparing no-cook meals while the power is out during a stormy emergency, perhaps the first recipe shouldn't feature toast!

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