#15 Our copier. We bought it for our office, but I don't think I will ever be able to live without one again. Yeah, I use it for office work, but I love it for art work. I spent an hour with it tonight enlarging pictures from a coloring book so I could reproduce them on a big poster. There's a lot of work involved to do that, but once it is finally drawn on the poster board, it seems like it is my own artwork. I'm working on an activity for my seminary class tomorrow. There's quite a bit of deception to be a seminary teacher. Ok, if anyone asks, I will tell them it's from a coloring book. But, really . . . it's early morning, and the kids are not even awake. Does it really harm anyone if they all just assume I'm a marvelous artist?
#14 Sharpie markers. Who doesn't love a brand
#13 Sudoku. I don't know why. I'm not even very good at it. Roxanne, on the other hand, is brilliant.
#12 Waffle iron. Well, I don't love the waffle iron itself, it's just that every Sunday morning Dave makes a marvelous breakfast for all of us and the waffle iron is an integral part of that lovely experience.
#11 Magnifying mirror. I can't pluck my eyebrows without it.
#10 Magnifier. Sadly, there are many things that I can't read very well. I like to blame it on a surgical procedure I had on my eye last year. But it might be that I'm over a certain magical age when a woman's eyes go to pot. (Isn't that right, Lauri . . . ? )
#9 My cell phone. There is nothing extraordinary about the phone or about the service we buy. However, I can't go anywhere without it. This year I have even learned to text. Brady and I have a regular text messaging relationship since he's moved out of town. (Can you imagine trying to describe text messaging to someone 10 years ago? "Are you kidding me? you want me to write a letter using a 2 inch keyboard? with my thumbs? and the keys are all multiple choice letters?")
#8 Credit card. I haven't had a running balance on my card for years, I pay it in full each month. But I make 99% of my purchases with it. I love the convenience.
#11 Magnifying mirror. I can't pluck my eyebrows without it.
#9 My cell phone. There is nothing extraordinary about the phone or about the service we buy. However, I can't go anywhere without it. This year I have even learned to text. Brady and I have a regular text messaging relationship since he's moved out of town. (Can you imagine trying to describe text messaging to someone 10 years ago? "Are you kidding me? you want me to write a letter using a 2 inch keyboard? with my thumbs? and the keys are all multiple choice letters?")
#8 Credit card. I haven't had a running balance on my card for years, I pay it in full each month. But I make 99% of my purchases with it. I love the convenience.
Maybe by the time it's full, I'll be able to do something fun with my grandkids.
#6 Hardcover books. Although paperbacks fit in my purse better or when I'm on the go, I still prefer the feel of a hardcover book in my hand.
#5 Tools, tools, tools. (Well, Dave's tools). We own every tool known to man. It's kind of nice when I want to make something and the tools are all readily available. We could invite the whole cub scout troop over to make their pinewood derby cars at a
moment's notice. They could design, cut, carve, sand, paint and grease the axles all right here, right now. We can miter, drill, grind, weld, solder, clamp, and many other verbs. Dave was putting together his Christmas wish list and he had to describe to me what tools he wanted and what they were for. We apparently have all the standard tools and we have moved on to the more obscure ones.
#4 My own closet. My closet was custom made by Super-Dave a few years ago. There is a place for everything. And it has a lock and key (much needed during the holiday shopping season). I love it so much, if it was a bit wider, I'd put a lounge chair in there.
#5 Tools, tools, tools. (Well, Dave's tools). We own every tool known to man. It's kind of nice when I want to make something and the tools are all readily available. We could invite the whole cub scout troop over to make their pinewood derby cars at a
#3 Photo albums. Yes, the old fashioned kind, not digital. I can't even dust my living room without being sucked over to them like a magnet. Maybe I need to put them away into storage. They are truly a distraction.
#2 Our piano. It's old, a few keys are in need of repair, but I love, love, love it. I've played it my entire life.
#2 Our piano. It's old, a few keys are in need of repair, but I love, love, love it. I've played it my entire life.
#1 TIVO. . . . .Need I say more about this one?

I'll tag Cindi, Heidi, Suzanne and both Pat and Andy.
And . . . special guest writers: I tag Roxanne and Melanie. (You can post your lists right here.)
Suduko huh--I think I've done 1 of those things and I'm scared of doing any more for fear that I'll get addicted. My husband tells me that I get addicted to things way too easily. I think it's best if I just stay away. :)
I'm thinking I may just "drop by" on of these Sunday mornings. Those waffles sound tempting :)
Your closet is amazing---I have learned to appreciate a good closet. In our first newlywed apartment we had a tiny closet--so small that Jared used the linen closest for a make-shift closet. Our next apartment was not much better. We finally have a walk-in closet and it's probably one of my most favorite things about our place!!
Hi, My name is Katie and I'm a sudoku-aholic. I was so addicted when I was pregnant with Grayden and too tired to get off my rear. I finally had to quit all together because it was consuming my life. I would sit down to play just one game and 6 hours and 92 games later, I'd finally take a break. (That's an exaggeration just to be clear.)
I'm with Heidi on your closet. Only forget the lounge chair, our entire first married apartment could have parked itself inside your closet. I dream of a closet like that one day.
Thanks for playing.
It's fun to see what people list when they make one. Some of mine were on my guilty pleasures entry on my blog, but I will come up with a morphed list and do it. It's fun! I am jealous of your closet too!
And what kills me is that not only does Dave have all those tools, but YOU know how to use them! I'm afraid I would do myself or someone else a hurt with one of them.
I enjoy Suduko too, although it seems that now that I've made it to the ones that William Shortz calls "Medium" they've become really hard. I enjoy getting lost in a good crossword, but never seem to have the time.
And you know I love my TIVO!
Are you sure you tagged ME? Man, I don't know how to post videos of amazing performing children or even take my own pictures in focus - I need technical support! How many favorite things? Hmmm. Can they all be food?
Yeah, I got tagged. Well, at least I got tagged as Pat - I'll have to be figuring the logistics of that out!
Did you guys ever make it up to the show? I haven't had time to go back up since it opened but Lilith was sold before opening night and apparently Adams Wife is gone too - I have not figured out yet if it sold or if it's out on 'approval'. Someone else told us about that - I'll have to call the gallery or go up if I want to find out.
Anyway - of course we missed you guys being at the opening but it's that whole good, better, best thing and while it would have been good for you to go to enrichment, even better to go to the opening, it was best to go see Rachel. :) (some people may say I have the good and better switched but I beg to differ)
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