Wednesday, August 7, 2013

i think kyle is going to fit into our family just fine

Dave, writing a talk, "I need to find better stories to illustrate my points."
Kyle - "You could use some missionary stories."
Dave - "Yeah, but mine are all old."
Kyle - "So are the scriptures, are you using any of those?"

Playing Taboo -- "This is a lame Buzzer."
Kyle: "How about wiring it with a Tazer."
Dave: "We could DO that!"

Melanie, trying on a new shirt.
Dave -  "It's very Orange."
Melanie - "It makes me feel like a Skittle!"

Dave, coming home from work: "I had to steer clear of everyone today. I could be a World War Weapon."
Melanie, not sure what he was talking about:  ". . . . because you were angry, or something??"
Dave "No, because I stink."
Kyle:  "More like 'chemical' warfare"

Melanie: "What's the weirdest thing you ate on your mission?" (in the Dominican Republic)
Kyle: "Hmmm, nothing really weird, I don't think. . . .maybe cow intestines, or pig intestines. I didn't know what they were."
Cynthia: "Wow, you hesitated to come up with that?  That sounds pretty weird to me. I would have come up with that answer much faster."
Kyle: "Well, I had chicken feet too, but that's not really weird."
Cynthia: "You're weird, Kyle."

Melanie, after getting a new IPhone: "I'm finding out all kinds of things I can get for my phone. There is a lot of church materials." (I was thinking she was talking about scripture study materials).  "There is an Old Testament Coloring Book!"

Yes, they were putting a Transformers Decal on Melanie's car.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I'm looking forward to meeting Kyle!