Sunday, April 11, 2010


Our ward has been camping 3 times in the last 12 months. I'm not sure why so often, but it's been kind of fun. We went to Camp LoMia, so there were cabins, bunk beds, a kitchen, bathrooms etc. It was pretty easy camping - pack up a bedroll, a jacket and a change of clothes and off we go. But Dave can't camp quite as simple as that. He packed the dutch oven, his guitar, a set of tools, a tractor and a trailer. He entertained the masses, took kids for a ride on the trailer, made repairs around camp and cooked the most delicious cobbler in the campfire. He's a good guy to have around.
There were plenty of cabins available so Melanie and her 3 amigos took a cabin of their own. I don't know when or if they slept, but it is nice having kids old enough to take care of themselves. Parenting Melanie is so easy these days.
I was going to go off on a hike after breakfast, but Dave had ALL the kids with him on the trailer and all the adults were enjoying having time to just sit around the fire and chat. We had a pleasant morning while Dave did all the childcare. Go Dave!! (There were a lot of happy parents.)


bandanamom2 said...

You know I'm glad that you've confirmed what i was thinking which is that there has been a lot of ward camp outs! I never go. Something about sleeping in cabins with other families gives me the weirds. But I sent my kids w/ Gayle because she offered and they wanted to go. I should probably get over it.

Cynthia said...

I know, it is kind of weird to be sharing cabin space with various people. I think your kids had fun. You should have come. However, if someone offered to take my kids and I got an evening to myself . . . well maybe that was a good choice afterall!

Suzanne Barker said...

Man, I have to make it to one of these!

Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun!